Digestive Problems?

Do you have symptoms that make even the simplest things in life – like going out with friends for dinner - a huge gamble in case you have to dash to the toilet?

Anxiety... fatigue... depression... food sensitivities... chronic pain... allergies... autoimmunity... gas... bloating... constipation… We’ve all experienced at least some of these sometime in our lives... And for some of us, even long term.

They disrupt our activities and rob us of our happiness, our enjoyment with life, and sometimes even our relationships. Gut dysfunction can be linked to these and virtually every disease.
Perhaps you’ve been diagnosed with IBS, SIBO, diverticulitis or something similar...

Or maybe, like millions of people, you’re still looking for answers to your digestive problems after your doctor was unsure what to do next.

Or quite simply, you can’t seem to shift any weight or fat and always hold water/bloat no matter what techniques, diets or expensive supplements you try?
These conditions are mostly preventable, but have reached epidemic proportions as the Western lifestyle has infiltrated the entire globe with poor diet choices, stress, toxic overload, and bacterial imbalances.

Our food, and the way our body processes that food, impacts our health in profound ways. And, it all starts in the gut.

Put simply, when our gut isn’t healthy and happy, nothing about our bodies is healthy and happy.
Everything about our society is moving us further away from optimal gut health, with processed foods, toxins from many sources, chronic stress, and more, damaging our bodies from the inside out, and shifting the balance of bacteria toward dangerous antibiotic-resistant strains.

Not only do the food and drinks we consume play a direct role, but lifestyle factors right down to how stressed we feel can dole out damage to our gut.

If so, don’t worry, you’re not alone and I’ve got a solution…. In fact, I’ve worked and helped cure hundreds of clients with issues just like yours… You don’t need to suffer helplessly, nor do you need to resort to costly medical treatments...
Let me explain…

How 75% of digestive symptoms can be reduced in as little as two weeks with my proven system.

I’m sure you’ve heard of IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME (IBS).

It’s the most common medical diagnosis for unexplained, long-term digestive symptoms.
Think embarrassing bloating, excessive gas, painful cramping and the inconsistent bowel movements that can make daily life miserable.

In fact, if you haven’t already, there’s a good chance your symptoms will be diagnosed as IBS.

It’s a diagnosis nobody wants, but there is some good news…

After 30 years working as a naturopathic physician specializing in food intolerance and allergies, I’ve crafted and refined a proven method to treat IBS – which I’ve since applied successfully with thousands of people around the world.
In fact, it works so well that a remarkable 3 out of 4 IBS sufferers see improvements in just one week – these stats are even backed by independent research from top Universities.

The best thing about this method is that there are no expensive medical fees, no medication, no over-priced supplements and no invasive medical procedures. AND you can treat yourself in the privacy and comfort of your home.
The solution you’re about to learn is a diet that beats bloating, helps restore gut health, and is backed by
rigorous research.

In this programme, we will teach you to reduce your digestive symptoms by half within two weeks.
Heal Your GutBrain Online Programme with Naturopathic Physician Dr Sundardas D Annamalay is a holistic, 6 module kickstarter programme for you to rebalance your gut health. Through easy to follow video content with a sound scientific basis, participants are educated on the foundational underpinnings of gut health. By doing so you’ll optimise your immune system, digestion and weight management. You will also get rid of symptoms that have been plaguing you all your life.
Here is what Renee discovered at Dr Sundardas’ clinic after suffering for a few years:

“I was experiencing terrible pains in my stomach as well as bloating, and I was struggling with constant fatigue. I knew I had to change my lifestyle but I had no idea where to start since I couldn’t understand what I was doing wrong.”
“Parasites and Bowel Problems”
On the first consultation, it transpired that all Renee’s symptoms had begun during a trip to Bangkok, where she had developed what appeared to be food poisoning. Thereafter her system never felt quite right.

Testing showed she had parasites.

Treatment: Three weeks after the Anti-Parasite programme, her digestive issues became a thing of the past.”

(one case history out of 7000 cases of digestive problems).
Who this course is for:
  • This course is for you if you need a little extra help on your gut healing journey and are tired of suffering pain, bloating, fatigue and struggling with abdominal distension and weight at the belly.
  • There has never been a better time to look after yourself – rediscover your vitality and wellness by starting The GutBrain Healing Protocol today!

6 Modules on GutBrain Healing complete with
videos, transcripts and detailed food lists

3 Modules on how to modify your risk factors
and protect yourself

ONLY  S$59
       BEFORE                        AFTER
Cynthia had compulsive eating issues which led to digestive pain and discomfort, allergic rhinitis and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). When we changed her diet, it improved her gut function. She lost weight, her brain turned on and her allergies disappeared. She became a healthier, focused child in four months.
Dr Sundardas was born with congenital birth defects (cleft lip and cleft palate). Surgeries and drugs to correct this led to secondary damage. At age 12 after a total of 5 surgeries he was left with speech disabilities, hearing handicap and brain damage (Asperger’s Syndrome which is related to an incapacity to experience normal emotions). He had to battle 20 years of allergies, food sensitivities, bloating, digestive issues and chronic bowel pain. Eventually he discovered how to fix himself. After he completed his naturopthic training, he wanted to share this with the rest of the world. Currently he has seen more than 10,000 people with chronic bowel issues from over 20 countries.